Beatnix Burger Barn & Cafe
1700 Colcord
Waco, Texas
Mon. - Sat.: 11:30am - 3:30pm
Fri. & Sat. Nights: 1:00 am to 4:00 am
Earlier today I saw a picture posted by of a burger from Beatnix CafĂ© & Burgers. Id never eaten at Beatnix before, just the burger joint that was there before them. So I decided I would go snag lunch from Beatnix today… this is that story… dunh dunh dunh…
The place isn’t very hard to find, its right off 18th street and Colcord, and with its wildly colored Graffiti it sticks right out. I pulled around and parked in the back, as I got out of my car I could smell the delicious grease from the flattop and fryers. Always a good sign.
As you walk in you here 70’s rock in the background and are hit with the aroma of fried goodness. They weren’t real busy, only 4 other people in there… which was kinda nice not having to deal with a line. I’m greeted by the owners and while chatting, I glance over the menu. They have burgers, different types of cheese steaks, vegan meals, plenty of sides, coffee stuff and plenty of other items. I go with their Bacon, Egg and Cheese Burger- crispy bacon, American cheese, fried egg, pickles, lettuce and mayo on a toasted bun. Sounds Most Excellent, Right! I also get a side of their sweet potato fries and a sweet tea.
While waiting for my food, I look over the menu to see what all I missed out on and what I will get next time- The Texas Cheese Steak. I also notice that they are open on Friday and Saturday nights from 1am-4am, to serve food coming from the bars and whatnot. I know what I’m doing next time I go out for heavy drinking with my friends… Beatnix for French Toast and burgers. I talked to Benn for a bit, while my food was prepping. About how they were slammed with a line out the door last Friday and the register broke down, so he had to use a calculator to make change. Two of the guys enjoying a burger there, were the two first guys to every come to Beatnix’s mid-night opening.
My burger and fries arrive, open faced so you can see all the awesomeness. Lets start with the sweet potato fries first: they were steaming hot, crispy and sweet, seemed like they might’ve had a layer of brown sugar on them. I liked them a lot better that the Ore-Ida style sweet potato fries so many places serve. If you like sweet potatoes, definitely need to order yourself a batch of these babies.
The burger: Nicely toasted bun. The bacon; perfectly cooked, crispy, hot, Smokey and flavorful. The pickles and lettuce were nice, crispy and fresh tasting. The cheese was melted, warm, gooeyness. The meat was nicely cooked, hot, juicy and great flavor which had taken on extra smokeyish greaseyish awesome flavor from the greatly seasoned flattop- almost indescribable awesomeness. All coming together to make one most excellent burger, a mini orgasm in the mouth. OH yes, I went there, a mini orgasm.
While eating my burger, Benn asked me how my burger was, I replied that I “really liked it” he replied with a totally hippie “sweeeeet.” Haha Damn Hippies….. just kidding ;)
Definitely one of the best burger joints in town, and will most definitely be going back there soon. Great people, good atmosphere, and great food… and apparently BYOB. If you haven’t been here yet, make a date in your calendar, and check them out- whether it be for lunch, a Fri/Sat night, or one of their live music/poetry nights. There is just so much to this place.
Tell’em DavieG sent ya.
Davie, great post! I always enjoy getting your take!